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domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

Geography, History and Prehistory

      I.            Vocabulary

1.      ____________ written and other recorded events of people
2.      ____________ time before writing was invented
3.      ____________a scientist who examines objects to learn about the human past
4.      ____________  stories passed down by word of mouth
5.      ____________ the study of earth’s surface and the processes that shape it

6.      ____________ a period of time during which early humans made stone tools
7.      ____________ a person who has no settled home
8.      ____________rich in the substances plants need to grow well
9.      ____________to adapt wild plants to human use

   II.            Answer the questions
1.      Prehistory describes the time period before
a)      People existed
b)      People used tools
c)      Clothes were made from animal skin
d)      Writing was invented
2.      During which time period did farming develop?
a)      prehistory
b)      old stone age
c)      middle stone age
d)      new stone age

3.      How can geography help us to understand history?
4.      What are the effects of geography and climate on farming?

5.      How did early humans find food during the old stone age?

III.            Complete the charts


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